About us

We are ZeptoSense, We Develop Solutions


Nothing can hide beyond the invisible. Pushing the boundaries of the DNA, RNA and protein detection by developing the most sensitive genotyping and sequencing products is the mission of the ZeptoSense.


We aim to become the leading provider of solutions to specific challenges coming from the up-stream DNA interrogation processes of low copy number DNA, RNA, or proteins.   We are developing the most sensitive and the highest quality products and services for genotyping and sequencing of the DNA, RNA and specific protein samples. Our philosophy is simple, to provide accurate, reliable, easy-to-use genotyping and sequencing products that don’t require additional investments in instrumentation in order to increase the detection/genotyping/sequencing capabilities of the customer’s laboratories.


We are developing the most sensitive genotyping and sequencing assays and kits that can be used on current instruments/platforms (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Illumina) so there is no need for additional investments in hardware or software.


May 1-4, ZeptoSense’s CFO Pero Dimsoski and Scientific Advisers Stacey Schultz-Cherry and Bratislav Stankovic, were invited to present the research titled “Detection of a single SARS-CoV-2 Viral Copy using zPCR” @ the Clinical Virology Symposium, American Society of Microbiology.




January-April, 2022. The ZeptoSense team, was invited to participate in the commercialization training program offered by Point Of Care Technology Research Network POCTRN CRAASH, initiative of NIBIB (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering). Only 8 companies were selected to attend commercialization training program for 2022. For more information regarding the program please visit the following web sites:




ZeptoSense is currently developing ultrasensitive kits for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and other Coronaviruses, Anthrax, human DNA, and low-copy protein detection. We are also planning to develop ultrasensitive sample prep kits for Sanger and NGS sequencing.

Click here to see out products.


Our team of professionals